Lachs und Meerforellen Sozietät

Verein zum Schutz bedrohter Salmonidenbestände

NASF Diagramme als PDF zum downloaden

Brief an Russischen Botschafter in Berlin

Februar 2012: zu lesen hier

The Atlantic Salmon's Dangerous World

NASF’s latest depiction of the world of the Atlantic salmon shows the safe areas for salmon where the fish are protected by agreements with commercial fishermen.  Unfortunately, there are also red spots on the map. These show the areas where mixed-stock fisheries continue to endanger wild salmon. 

There is also a shaded area. This indicates the large segment of the ocean where industrial fishing takes place. These fisheries, operating principally in the North Sea and the NE Atlantic, harvest very large quantities of sand eels and capelin to be made into feed for fish farms and livestock. They also sometimes target mackerel and herring.  Many fear these vessels remove much of the baby sand eel and capelin stocks on which juvenile salmon depend and that the fishery also results in a by-catch of adult and juvenile salmon.

Meanwhile, the salmon farming industry continues to spread its disease and sea lice to wild salmon stocks. Large-scale escapes of domesticated farm salmon bred for a life in captivity continue to threaten the genetic makeup of  wild stocks that have evolved to make migrations that may take them thousands of miles.

In many regions of Norway, the west coast of Scotland and in Ireland and Canada the damage inflicted by the negative effects of salmon farms has ruined many wild salmon rivers. A destructive combination of commercial over-fishing and a huge fish farming industry riding roughshod over conservation efforts have made Norway the North Atlantic’s most dangerous place for wild salmon.

Both these industries enjoy the strong backing of the Norwegian government and sadly the Norwegians are able to spread the damaging effects of their fish farms around the globe. In Scotland, Norwegian operators use attractive ‘Scottish’ names to promote and market their products — but consumers should not be fooled. The juvenile stock is imported from Norway, there is a high number of foreign staff, the ownership of the farms is Norwegian and their financial operations depend on Norwegian and Ukrainian banks.

The North Atlantic Salmon Fund, NASF,  is an international coalition of voluntary private sector conservation groups who have come together to restore stocks of wild Atlantic salmon to their historic abundance. – –

Letter to Erik Solheim

Februar 2011: zu lesen hier

Letter to China Embassy

Februar 2011: zu lesen hier

Letter to Dutch Minestry regarding salmon netting

Letter to Ministry of Environment (NO)/Sami

Dezember 2010: zu lesen hier

To the Standing committee

November 2010: zu lesen hier

Letter to the Scottish First Minister

Richard Lockhead,
The Minister for Rural Affairs
The Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP
                                                                         Reykjavík November 18, 2010
Dear Minister,
As you may know, Scotland as part of the UK is the only EU member state that operates a policy of mixed-stock wild salmon fisheries along its coastline. Over the last two decades most of the salmon killed by Scottish netsmen are fish that have been spared by other states. These nations have voluntarily agreed to a moratorium on the netting and long-lining of wild salmon in order to allow more salmon to return to their natural spawning grounds.
Scotland, on the other hand, seems to be unable to grasp the obvious. The indiscriminate netting by Scottish netsmen produces a poor economic return from what should be one of Scotland’s most valuable resources. In addition to the needless damage done by commercial netting the poorly regulated fish farming industry has accelerated a decline in the stocks of wild salmon. Some would say that in this respect Scotland has a very impressive record of thoughtless economic and environmental vandalism.
During this period, the economic value of the angling industry to local rural communities has been a mere fraction of what it could have been if greater numbers of salmon were allowed to return to spawn in the rivers of their birth.  It seems to me that your office has behaved recklessly in permitting your netsmen to kill more and more of diminishing resources (salmon, cod and mackerel). 
Your government’s support for indiscriminate mixed-stock netting is outdated. It is universally condemned as being unsustainable by scientists and if it is allowed to continue it can only result in wiping out annual salmon runs. 
The sad fact is this situation is quite unnecessary. The problem can be solved quite painlessly for the netsmen with the aid of compensation if they stop salmon fishing and assistance to re-equip their boats and gear so that they can switch their efforts to other and sustainable forms of fishing.
You should remember that the biomass of the Scottish salmon is created in the feeding grounds off the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland, where thankfully, Scotland and the EU have no jurisdiction. I would remind you that if you insist on continuing your current strategy the inevitable outcome will be disastrous whether the stocks begin to improve or deteriorate. If by some miracle your stocks begin to recover and the Scottish netting continued the commercial fishermen of these other countries would be entitled to take these extra salmon at sea as fair quotas. So the bulk of the extra fish would never return to the native rivers of Scotland and Norway. 
The recent award of yet another huge EU grant to Scotland’s salmon netsmen raises a question. Why are you so intent on supporting a dying netting industry, especially when that industry is wrecking what remains of the wild stocks of salmon in so many rivers?
The Atlantic’s salmon stocks are international and need to be managed through international cooperation. But I assure you, Minister, I speak for many other salmon nations when I say we are appalled at having to witness the continuation of a Scottish salmon policy that has so little regard for the future.
                                                                  Orri Vigfússon

Letter of the Faroe Salmon Fishing Association

November 2010: Brief Teil I und Brief Teil II

What are the Norwegians thinking ...

What are Norwegians thinking
when they are not thinking?
Norway attempts to kill off remaining wild salmon stocks - River Tana Salmon targeted first to go.
Reykjavik May 31, 2010
Today, Norwegian authorities issued the 2010 salmon sea netting regulations.  As expected the slaughter of vulnerable wild salmon stocks will continue, with Finnmark in the far north the hardest hit area of all especially in the mighty Tana river .  In the regulations, Norway tries to conceal the extirpation of the big female spawners in June in exchange for few small male salmon later in the season.  Not just Norwegian salmon stocks will suffer but also salmon stocks native to the rivers in Finland and Russia.  Last year Norway’s salmon catches were at an all time low despite endless warnings to the Norwegian authorities issued by scientists, angling, tourist and conservation organisations.
The situation has become a serious contradiction of Norway’s claims to be an environmental role model.   Excessive commercial fishing and the havoc caused, in the form of disease, sea lice plagues and mass escapees from crowded pens, by Norway’s largely unregulated salmon farming industry is greatly undermining Norway’s reputation. 
Recently, the Russian Government issued its third diplomatic warning that Norway was violating the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty by intercepting Russian and Finnish salmon along the Finnmark coast.  The Russians called on Norway to stop the commercial netting in the Varanger fjord and remove all the bend nets (Krogarn) along the Finnmark coast.
In continuing to allow its commercial fishermen to exploit mixed stocks of wild salmon of Norwegian, Russian and Finnish origin, Norway is in danger of provoking further international actions.  Already, Greenland and the Faroe Islands have reduced their salmon netting and long-lining down to zero levels in desperate attempts to revitalize stocks in their neighbour countries.  The Norwegian decision announced today now makes a mockery of these international initiatives.
“Among Norwegian parliamentarians, there is a complete absence of a strategic debate about wild salmon”, said Orri Vigfússon, chairman of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund.  “If Norway wants to become a global salmon power to rival Russia and Iceland then it needs to stop acting like an environmental vandal and start treating its dwindling salmon resource with the care and protection it deserves. Now!”
deutsche Übersetzung :

Woran denken die Norweger, wenn sie nicht denken?

Norwegen steht kurz davor, den letzten verbleibenden Bestand am Wildlachs zu töten – der Lach im Fluss Tana soll das erste Ziel werden Reykjavik, 31. Mai 2010
Heute haben die norwegischen Behörden die Lachsfanggesetze 2010 für die Netzfischerei auf See beschlossen. Wie erwartet wird das Töten des sensiblen Lachsbestands fortgesetzt. Am schwersten betroffen ist Finnmark im oberen Norden, vor allem im bedeutenden Fluss Tana. In den Verordnungen versucht Norwegen die Ausrottung von großen weiblichen Rognern im Juni zu verbergen und dafür einige wenige, kleine männliche Milchner später in der Saison vorzuschieben. Darunter wird nicht nur der norwegische Bestand leiden, sondern auch der Bestand, der in Flüssen in Finnland oder Russland geboren wurde. Schon im letzten Jahr sanken die Fangzahlen auf einen traurigen Rekordtiefstand, trotz fortwährender Warnungen an die norwegischen Behörden seitens der Wissenschaft, von Fischern, aus der Touristik und von Umweltorganisationen.
Diese Sachlage steht in einem vollkommenen Gegensatz zu der Tatsache, dass Norwegen eigentlich als Vorbild im Hinblick auf Umweltschutz agieren wollte. Exzessive kommerzielle Befischung und der Schaden, der dem Lachs durch Krankheiten, Seelausbefall und Massenfluchten aus Norwegens größtenteils keinen Richtlinien unterliegenden Lachsfarmen haben den Ruf des Landes schwer beschädigt

Erst kürzlich hat Russland eine diplomatische Warnung in Richtung Norwegen geäußert, die eine Verletzung des UN Seerechtsübereinkommens beinhaltete. Sie warfen Norwegen vor, russischen und finnischen Fisch entlang der finnischen Küste abgefangen zu haben.
Wenn Norwegen weiterhin seinen Berufsfischern erlaubt, Mischbestand norwegischer, russischer und finnischer Herkunft auszubeuten, läuft das Land Gefahr, weitere internationale Reaktionen heraufzubeschwören. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt haben bereits Grönland und die Färöer ihre Netzfischerei auf Lachs und Langleinen auf Null reduziert in einem fast verzweifelten Versuch, die Bestände im Nachbarland wiederzubeleben. Die Entscheidung in Norwegen heute lässt diese Initaitiven wie eine Farce erscheinen.
“Innerhalb der Mitglieder des norwegischen Parlaments gibt es keine Debatte über Wildlachs.” , sagt Orri Vigfússon, Vorsitzender des North Atlantic Salmon Fund. „Wenn Norwegen ein international anerkanntes Lachsland werden möchte, das es mit Russland oder Island aufnehmen kann, dann muss es zunächst aufhören sich wie ein Umweltverzerstörer zu benehmen und anfangen, seine dahinschwindenden Lachsbestände mit der gebotenen Vorsicht und Ehrfurcht zu behandeln. Und zwar jetzt. SOFORT!“